The Best Herbs for Rearing Healthy Chickens

The Best Herbs for Rearing Healthy Chickens
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The Best Herbs for Rearing Healthy Chickens

Most herbs are packed with nutrients that are great health boosters. As much as these herbs are effective in regulating better health in humans, they have a similar impact on chickens too.

These herbs come with fascinating properties that range from repelling bugs and rodents to providing essential nutrients to the chickens. Whether you choose to layer your chicken feed with them or scatter them in the nest boxes and the coop – herbs will ensure your chickens grow healthy and active. Both ways your hens get a safe and healthy environment to grow in and you get to rear a stunning flock of healthy birds.

If you wish to incorporate herbs into your poultry rearing process, these herbs can help you get started. What’s best is that you can grow these herbs in your own backyard without having to worry about running to the market every time you need them.


Sage is a Mediterranean herb that is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. The combination of potent nutrients in the herb when added to the chickens’ regular feed strengthens their immune system and helps ward off various diseases like salmonella and more. Feed your hens some fresh sage leaves or add some dried sage in their normal feed.


Parsley is something the chickens will love. They eat the fresh leaves and stems of the herb, which provides them with a nourishing dose of vitamins A, B, C, E and K. Also, parsley is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Together, these nutrients ensure proper development of blood-vessels in your chickens and also promote egg-laying.


Lavender flowers and leaves possess aromatic stress relieving properties. This herb also acts as an excellent insecticide and improves the blood circulation in your chickens. All this makes lavender a great herb for your setting and laying hens. Scatter some fresh leaves and flowers in the nest boxes and rear healthier chickens.


The poultry industry has been studying oregano for its potent antibiotic properties. It is believed that oregano, when fed to the chickens can help them combat diseases like salmonella, coccidiosis, avian flu, infectious bronchitis, and E. coli.

While we still await the final judgement on that, there is no doubt that this herb does possess antioxidant properties along with calcium, vitamin K and E that support the respiratory and immune system of the birds. Plus, the chickens love it!


There is a great variety of mint available that can be added to your chicken feed. Herbs like peppermint, spearmint, orange mint, chocolate mint, lemon balm, catnip, and catmint all belong to the mint family. These aromatic herbs make excellent rodent repellent. Adding mint (fresh ones) to the nesting boxes keeps the rodents away. Plus, mint added to water is a fantastic way to allow your chickens to cool down in the hot summer months.

Bottom line is that your poultry requires additional supplements to remain active and healthy.

Obviously, just like us humans, not all nourishment comes from their regular diets – and a little extra is always necessary to ensure optimal health.