Getting The Right Saddle Pads For You

Getting The Right Saddle Pads For You
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Getting The Right Saddle Pads For You

You can’t simply go out and get the ‘best saddle pad’, because such a thing doesn’t exist. What you need to look for is the best saddle pad for you. That is something most people do not take into account, that the way they ride influences the type of a saddle pad they want. Here are some things you need to take into consideration.

How Often Do You Ride?

This is the biggest question, and the answer to this may completely change what will be the best saddle pad for you. If you ride infrequently, then you can simply get a good quality saddle pad and be done with it. You won’t have to think about it too much. However, if you ride regularly then you are going to have to make an investment. You will have to spend more money, but don’t worry – you will eventually be saving a lot of money. Splurge a bit and get the toughest saddle pad that you can, because it will last you years even with rough use. If you buy something cheaper, you will just have to buy another one in a few months which isn’t ideal.

How Rough Do You Ride?

This is another major question that will change the type of saddle pad you should buy. If you like to just casually stroll around on the horse, then you should choose a saddle pad that looks good and is made of high quality materials. However, if you like to push yourself to the limit and love the way the air hits you in the face, then you have to get really serious about cushioning and other similar functions of the saddle pads.

There is a worrying trend with some riders – they do not focus on the cushion. They think that the cushion feels a bit unnatural, and thus they do not focus on the cushioning. We understand that people want to feel in control and do not feel like they need a cushion to be comfortable. The important thing to note here is that the cushion is there not just for you, but for the horse as well. Yes, a cushion makes you feel more comfortable, but it also protects the horse a lot. It protects the horse from any harsh blows due to your weight. It also distributes the weight around – so instead of all the force just being on one place, it is more muted. This prevents injuries and also keeps your horse from getting exhausted quickly.

Thus the question at the end isn’t what is the best saddle pad, but what type of a horse rider you are.