Tips for Moving and Relocating Plants

Tips for Moving and Relocating Plants
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Tips for Moving and Relocating Plants

Relocating plants is a tricky business. Whether you are shifting your house or simply want to move a plant because it outgrew its pot, relocating requires time and attention. When done improperly, it can easily make your plants wither and die.

This makes it essentially important to know what exactly you are doing when you move your plants. Scroll down to read some amazing tips that can help you relocate your plants without ever having to worry about damaging them!

The Best Time of the Year

Everyone who loves gardening knows that some times of the year are better suited to move plants than the others. For example, the best time to move perennial is during the early spring and fall. This is because overly warm weather can adversely affect the relocation process. For trees and shrubs, it is advisable to wait until the winter. However, if you reside in a humid area, a late spring move may also work.

It’s all about the Roots

When digging a plant to relocate it, make sure you get as many roots as possible. This will not only help your plant sustain the move but it will also help it adjust, once it is planted at the new location. Remember, the more the roots, the better your plant will adjust in a new place.

Protecting Plants during the Move

Exposing the roots to the elements is never a good idea. It can cause your plant to dehydrate and stress out. This makes it important to keep the roots covered at all times. If you are shifting a small plant, it is advisable to keep it in a pot during the move. Make sure there is plenty of soil in the pot to cover the roots. On the other hand, if you are dealing shrubs, large plants or trees, it is a good idea to cover the roots by wrapping them in burlap.

Sun and Wind

Once you dig out the plant, try to replant it as soon as possible. In the meanwhile, keep it out of the sun and wind, especially during hot weather. To avoid wind damage, it is advisable to use a closed vehicle to move your plants.

When to Water

Avoid watering the plant on the day of the move. In fact, it is advisable to stop watering your plant days before the move. This makes sure you don’t have to deal with soggy soil and dripping mud in your car. If you are moving during the summers, it is ideal to water your plant 1 – 2 days prior to the move. On the other hand, in winters, water 3 – 4 days before you dig them out.

Readjusting the Plants

Moving plants is only half the work. The other half is all about adjusting your plants to the new space. One easy way to de-stress your plants after a move is to use B-1 or any other supplement that helps plant deal with the shock of being relocated.

Remember, plants need extra attention when you move them from one place to another. Check out Little Fields Farm to find everything you need to make sure your plants thrive and bloom after being relocated.