Posts tagged 'mites'

Flock Care – Dealing With Mites and Lice

Have your chickens been extra itchy lately? Are their feathers a little too ruffed? If this sounds like your flock, you may have an infestation at your hands!

Mites and lice are pesky little parasites that can pose serious threats to your flock. A serious infestation can be deadly!

So, what exactly causes poultry infestation? Here’s a list of things that can bring mites and lice into your chicken coop.

2018-11-14 00:00:00

Poultry Problems: What Are Red Mites? How Do You Stop Them?

Is your chicken coop crawling with red mites?

Are you sure?

Red mites create havoc in the feathered flock’s life. Due to this, they are the most feared parasites in a poultry farming community.

2018-10-23 23:00:00