Leaf Management Tips for Autumn

Leaf Management Tips for Autumn
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Leaf Management Tips for Autumn

Don’t you just hate the litter caused by leaves that fall in autumn? Well, it is important to realize that fallen leaves are more than just litter! These leaves are a precious resource that can be used in a number of ways around your garden.

Instead of just bagging and hauling those leaves like every year, this fall, employ more responsible and beneficial methods for leave management to make the best use of them. Let’s have a look at some amazing leaf management tips to help you tackle fallen leaves like a pro!

Mow the Leaves

Mowing is always an option when it’s just a light covering. Simply, mow the leaves and leave the shredded pieces on the ground. Leaves contain around 50% to 80% of the nutrients that plants extract from the soil. Leaving them on the ground is just a way of returning these nutrients back to the soil. For best results, use a mulching mower to mow the leaves. If you have only a few trees in your space, this method is probably the best option for you.

Improving the Soil

What to do when you have a number of trees shedding hundreds of leaves daily? Well, the best choice would be to put these leaves to some good use. You can use the fallen leaves to improve the quality of your soil by working them directly into the garden soil and flower beds.

This method works best for improving the soil in vegetable gardens. Work a 6 – 8 inch layer of fallen leaves into the ground during the fall to prepare it for the summer! The soil will have sufficient time to decompose the leaves and absorb the nutrients prior to the spring planting.

Mulching Goes a Long Way

Mulch offers a number of advantages. It can be used to inhibit the growth of weeds, limit evaporation from the surface and to keep the soil from crusting and eroding. It even prevents soil compaction! This makes mulching important for your garden and the best way to prepare mulch is to recycle the fallen leaves. An easy way of mulching is to apply a 3 - 6 inch layer of shredded leaves around the base of the trees and big plants. For flower beds, a 2 – 3 inch layer of mulch should do.

Consider Composting

Compost is a form of organic matter that has been naturally decomposed. It is advisable to use a composting sack or bag to prepare compost. However, you can also use trenches, bins, and barrels. The basic idea is to try and keep your pile of leaves moist and warm (around 15° C) while allowing airflow to keep the microbes working. These microbes and microorganisms are what decompose the fallen leaves to create compost.

Remember, irrespective of the leaf management method that you choose to deal with the fallen leaves; you will need equipment like garden sheetsgarden bagscompost sacksleaf pickers etc. Little Field Farm offers all that you need! It is a one-stop-shop to buy all your gardening accessories at the best price.