How to Take Care of Egg Laying Hens

How to Take Care of Egg Laying Hens
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How to Take Care of Egg Laying Hens

Poultry farms raise chickens for meat and eggs. Chickens are generally classified into two types: broiler and layer. Broiler chickens are raised solely for meat, whereas layer hens are bred to provide eggs. An average layer hen starts laying eggs around the age of 6 months. However, certain factors such as the size of hen and climatic conditions define the exact age at which a hen will start laying eggs.

Here’s the list of top chicken breeds that lay the largest quantity of eggs around the year.

  • Rhode Island Red
  • Leghorns
  • Sussex
  • Wyandotte
  • Isa Brown
  • Australorp
  • Plymouth Rock
  • Welsummer
  • Golden Comet
  • Buff Orpington

You need to take good care of layer hens in order to increase quantity of eggs. Here are some of the steps you should follow:

Build a Coop

It is necessary to build a coop for egg-laying hens, so that they can comfortably rest at night. Make sure that the coop is large enough to accommodate your entire flock of hens. Your hens should be able to walk around the coop. You can reserve your backyard for raising hens, if it is large and spacious enough. However, make sure you protect the space with fences to prohibit the entry of other animals such as cats and dogs.

Keep the coop covered so that hens and eggs stay safe from the adversities of weather. Moreover, don’t keep them closed in coop throughout the day.

You can also build a separate shed where hens can lay eggs. It should have a dim light and a quiet environment.

Healthy Diet

Egg laying hens need a healthy diet. Make sure that 0.18% of their feed consists of chloride and sodium. You need to give 2% of calcium for 2 weeks after their birth to improve their health. During the early 6 weeks of their age, their feed should constitute 20% protein. However, you need to gradually decrease it as they grow. Their feed should also have a high amount of vitamins, vegetable fats and other nutrients.

During the egg-laying season, keep a big trough of water in the coop. It should have a moderate height and should be easily accessible to hens. Layer hens need plenty of clean water. However, they tend to eat their own eggs if they can’t find water. It is also recommended to add vitamin supplements to water. It will help your hens absorb calcium during summer season.


Egg-laying hens are prone to falling ill. An effective vaccination program reduces the risk of many fatal diseases such as IB, ART, MG, Marek’s disease and salmonella. Timely vaccination boosts their immune system and keeps them healthy. The healthier and happier they are, the more eggs they will lay per year.Little Fields Farm is a family business that offers quality products for poultry businesses. Our range includes poultry feedersdrinkersheat lampsegg incubators and much more.