How to Choose the Best Fertilisers for Your Garden

How to Choose the Best Fertilisers for Your Garden
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How to Choose the Best Fertilisers for Your Garden

If you own a garden or a lawn, you probably are aware of the fact that plants and other greens don’t grow on their own and you won’t get healthy and thick foliage just like that.

Just like humans require their fair share of food and nutrition to grow and become healthy, plants also need properly-timed and balanced nutrition to fuel their growth. And they get this with the help of fertilisers.

Choosing the right fertiliser for your lawn or garden is extremely vital to get your soil in a good condition. This is important because your plants will only grow if the soil is in a good condition and contains all those nutrients they need to grow healthy.

However, most people struggle to choose the right kind of fertilisers for their garden. Should you get organic or inorganic fertilisers? And how much fertiliser do you need for your garden? Questions like these are likely to confuse them.

But there is nothing to worry about because there are numerous ways and tips for choosing the right kind of fertilisers for your garden.

Find out how!

Do a Soil Test

The soil in your lawn or garden already contains certain amounts of essential minerals and nutrients that help plants grow. Some of these include carbon, oxygen, phosphorus, and more. However, there may be times when the soil doesn’t have enough of these compounds in order for your plants to grow.

Doing a soil test will help you determine what type of fertiliser you need to ensure proper and healthy growth of your garden. The results of the soil test will further help you know exactly what nutrients you need to add to your soil to create the perfect balance for your plants.

Understand the Types of Fertilisers

Once you have done a soil test, the next important bit is to understand the various types of fertilisers out there. They basically come in two major types: liquid and pellet. Liquid fertilisers are used for growing plants in a single or a few particular spots in the garden. Pellet fertilisers, on the other hand, are meant to prepare an entire garden.

For instance, if you wish to plant pink roses in a particular spot of your garden and if the soil is not balanced in that area, you can use liquid fertiliser to prepare the soil particularly for growing roses.

Basic Types of Plant Food Fertiliser

Liquid and pellet are two major classifications of fertilisers, but as you move forward to choosing the right fertiliser for your garden, you will realise that there are various other options as well.

Some of these numerous options include complete organic fertilisers that are derived from plants or animals, bone meal that comes from waste material or ground bones of animals, fish meal that comes from small marine fish and many others.

It all depends on the kind of plants you are growing in your garden and what nutrients they need, in particular, to grow.

There are various fertiliser options for your garden like Doff’s Multi-Purpose Feed Concentrate or Baby Bio Plant Feed that you can easily get from Little Fields Farm.